5 tips to build with Polkadot SDK

5 tips to build with Polkadot SDK

Building on the Polkadot SDK can seem daunting at first, but with the right guidance, it becomes an exciting journey of discovery and innovation. Dimitry Lavernov, affectionately known as Dima, a seasoned Blockchain development expert at Humanode shares some invaluable tips to help developers dive into the world of Polkadot SDK and build. Here’s what he had to say.

  1. Embrace Rust: The Foundation of Your Journey

Before diving into Polkadot SDK, getting comfortable with Rust is crucial. Rust is the programming language that underpins much of the Polkadot ecosystem. Dima suggests starting with the Rust book, an excellent resource for beginners and experienced developers alike. 

The Rust book provides a comprehensive guide to mastering Rust, covering everything from basic syntax to advanced concepts.

  1. Hands-On Learning: Tutorials to Get You Started

Once you’re familiar with Rust, it’s time to get your hands dirty with some practical experience. Dima recommends exploring the Substrate quick start guide and Substrate tutorials

These resources are designed to give you a solid understanding of how Substrate, the blockchain framework that powers Polkadot, works. They provide step-by-step instructions on setting up your development environment, creating a simple blockchain, and more. Take your time with each tutorial, ensuring you grasp each concept before moving on to the next.

  1. Understanding Substrate Architecture

Understanding the architecture of Substrate, and the framework behind Polkadot projects is crucial. The Substrate learning page provides a comprehensive overview of its architecture. 

Spend time here, exploring diagrams, reading through documentation, and reflecting on how each component fits within the larger framework. 

This step is about connecting the dots between theory and application, and it’s okay to revisit concepts or seek out discussions to clarify your understanding.

  1. Explore Example Projects

A great way to learn is by studying example projects. Dima suggests walking through the basic example pallet and integrating it into the minimal template

This exercise will give you a practical understanding of how to develop and integrate custom modules within a Substrate-based blockchain. Don’t rush this process; take your time to understand how each piece fits together and how it contributes to the overall functionality.

  1. Leverage Community Resources

The Polkadot community is a treasure trove of knowledge and support. Dima highlights the Polkadot Network YouTube channel as an excellent resource. The channel features numerous videos explaining how different features work and how to use them. Watching these videos can provide you with insights and tips that are not always apparent in written documentation. Set aside time to watch and absorb these lessons at your own pace.

Bonus Tip: Implement Your Ideas

Finally, Dima encourages you to start small but think big. Use the Polkadot SDK or the Humanode network to bring your unique ideas to life. Innovation is at the heart of blockchain development—crafting a new DeFi tool, designing a governance model, or developing an application that might one day change how we interact with technology. Begin with simple projects to test your skills and gradually take on more complex challenges as you grow.


Embarking on this learning journey with Polkadot SDK can be as rewarding as it is challenging, but with the Humanode team's expert guidance and your own perseverance, the possibilities are limitless.

Remember, the path to becoming a skilled Polkadot SDK developer is not about speed but about understanding, experimenting, and continually learning. Treat it like a marathon, not a sprint. So take your time, enjoy the process, and let your passion for blockchain light the way.

Happy coding!