Commencing the “I am Human!” graffiti campaign

I am human. I am a unique human being. I am a unique human being, thus I have value, I bring value, and no one can take that away from me! This is one of the fundamental cores that shapes Humanode.
Whether it is a Sybil attack that tries to devalue my worth, whether it is a scammer that tries to steal what I have earned, whether it is a corporation that wants to steal my personal information and data, whether it is a government that wants to steal my home, belief, or pride, I will stand in its way to resist. For I am a human. No matter what color of skin, what gender, what beliefs or ideology, my age, the color of my hair, my level of education, my wealth or lack of it, my occupation, or my class in society, I am human. A unique human being. And therefore I bring value and am valuable for being me.
As a declaration to all living beings, we have decided to launch a campaign and bring you our next challenge. For this contest, we challenge you to “tag” the world (or shall we say, present the world with beautiful and artistic graffiti) with the message “I am Human”.
This contest will be unique, as it will be a contest in which the winner takes all.
The prize will be set at $2000, and the Humanode community will be the judge. Voting will take place in the Sybil-resistant contest voting channel, and one person will have one vote.
As tagging is not legal in all countries, we will have 2 categories for this contest.
The first category (the main category) will be for actual graffiti, displayed in public. The criteria will be that the tag must include the statement “I am human” (using the Humanode logo, or the name Humanode is optional, and yes the message can be expanded to express that you are human, and thus your life has equal value to any other life). The tag will be judged by its content, visibility, beauty, location, and quality. (A photo of the tag must be supplied to show the location and visibility, and overall quality) The tag that receives the most votes, will win $2000, and all participants will earn a limited edition “I am human” POAP NFT designed by the Humanode lead designer.
The second category will be a “Digital Tag”. The participants in this category will be tasked with creating digital art that states “I am human”, to be displayed on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or any other major social media. As in the first category, the tag must include the statement “I am human” (using the Humanode logo, or the name Humanode is optional, and yes the message can be expanded to express that you are human, and thus your life has equal value to any other life). This category will also be voted on, and although all participants will receive a POAP NFT for the second category, the winner will receive a unique NFT reserved for the gold prize winner.
1st Category:
- The tag must include the statement “I am human”.
- The Humanode logo and/or name is encouraged, but optional.
- The statement “I am human” can stand alone, or can be expanded. (i.e. “I am a unique human, thus I have value!”, or “I am human of equal worth! Think twice before you scam!” or anything that sheds light on the fact that the value of human life, human rights, and uniqueness is equal is acceptable)
- The tag must be visible, and reach out. (i.e. Tagging your basement where no one but you and your family members can see does not count. The more public, the better)
- Quality and beauty are of the utmost importance.
- Do not break the law for a mere $2000. It is not worth it.
- Take photographs of your work. Submit at least 2 photos. 1 that shows your completed tag. 1 that shows the location of your tag (for example, shows the wall you wrote I am human, what the surroundings look like, and people walking by).
- Get the “Verified Human” role on the Humanode Discord server.
- Post the photos in the arts channel on the Humanode Discord server. (
2nd Category:
- The digital tag must include the statement “I am human”.
- The Humanode logo and/or name is encouraged, but optional.
- The statement “I am human” can stand alone, or can be expanded. (i.e. “I am a unique human, thus I have value!”, or “I am human of equal worth! Think twice before you scam!” or anything that sheds light on the fact that the value of human life, human rights, and uniqueness is equal is acceptable)
- The tag must be posted on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or any other social media where it will be on full display for people to see. (If on Twitter, include #Iamhuman_contest
- Link your post and display your work in the arts channel on the Humanode Discord server. (
The campaign has been extended until June 19th. We thank you for your participation and understanding.