Hackless integrates BotBasher into its Discord for Sybil Resistance

Cybersecurity is the cornerstone of trust in the Web3 world. And the latest addition to our BotBasher family, Hackless, emerges as a guardian of data and a visionary architect of a secure blockchain ecosystem. This firm transcends the traditional confines of cybersecurity, embedding safety and trust into the DNA of our Web3 interactions, ensuring that the digital frontiers we explore are fortified against the ever-looming specter of cyber threats.
To be more specific, Hackless is a cyber security project that saved $1MM + in users' funds and offers a suite of products safeguarding smart contracts, rescuing wallets, and shielding both DeFi users and projects from attacks. Notably, we've secured a seed round led by industry leaders including DAO Maker, Black Dragon and others.
Hackless's mastery in the art of protection, honed through its vigilant defense of the DeFi and blockchain sectors, positions it as a sentinel against countless cyber adversities. This expertise illuminates Hackless as a guiding light, charting the course toward a digitally secure future where users confidently navigate, shielded from the predations of unseen digital foes.
However, the digital domain's true strength lies in its community of real, authentic users. Recognizing this, Hackless has embraced Humanode's BotBasher, integrating it into its Discord to ensure the community's foundation is built on genuine human interactions, free from the distortion of bots and impersonators. This integration heralds a new era of digital community building, where every participant is guaranteed to be as real as the threats they are shielded against.
Humanode BotBasher is a Discord integration that uses Cryptobiometric technology. It ensures a unique and real human being behind every Discord account. Already compatible across platforms like Galxe, Zealy, TaskOn, and QuestN, with over 400 K+ verified users on 500+ servers, BotBasher is considered a go-to option to ensure Resistance in Discord communities.
Hackeless has integrated BotBasher and as an inaugural usecase, the team is using BotBasher as a Sybil-resistant guard in its engagement campaign on AlphaGulity with 1000 USDT rewards. Participants who complete all the tasks will join the ranks of Hackless' proactive DeFi community, earning them exclusive rewards, including unique badges early access to Hackless' newest features, and more.
To get the “Verified Human” role in Hackless’ Discord server:
- Go to server settings and click ‘Linked roles’

- Select the “Verified Human” role.

- Complete a quick private face scan to get verified.

Hackless will also be considering BotBasher's verified role as a Sybil-resistant measure to protect its future campaigns and airdrop as well. The Humanode team is excited to continue our journey with Hackless and explore potential Use cases in the future.
About Hackeless
Hackless is a cyber security project that saved $1 million+ in users' funds and offers a suite of products safeguarding smart contracts, rescuing wallets, and shielding both DeFi users and projects from attacks. Notably, we've secured a seed round led by industry leaders including DAO Maker, Black Dragon and others.
About Humanode
Humanode is the first crypto-biometric network that provides Sybil resistance to Web3 projects using private facial recognition. It can prove that one person has only one address or one account in a certain context. With no KYC needed or personally identifiable information collected, the process takes around 1 minute.
BotBasher, a Discord integration by Humanode, connects a Discord account to a verified human identity using confidential facial recognition. Users can verify one account to prove their unique identity. It is natively compatible with Galxe, Zealy, and QuestN.