Humanode Biweekly vol.92

Biomapper C1 is now live on Base & Filecoin; SRGate – your pass to decentralized uniqueness verification; Marching toward 10,000 human nodes; 2067 - The Equilibrium: The Book of Sora ¼; Catacomb Crawlers interview—the first game launching on the Humanode chain.


Big things are happening in the Humanode ecosystem! Biomapper C1 is extending its reach, bringing decentralized, Sybil-resistant biometric verification to more corners of the blockchain world. This time, it’s making waves on Base and Filecoin, two of the most significant ecosystems in Web3. Developers take note—Biomapper C1 is here, ready to enhance decentralized applications with seamless human verification.

Base is on a mission to build a global on-chain economy—fast, affordable, and optimized for builders. Now, with Biomapper C1 SDK fully deployed, devs can integrate biometric uniqueness verification directly into their dApps. No bots, no Sybil attacks—just real people verifying their existence in seconds while maintaining privacy. If you're eager to explore, you can start integrating it right now. 

Meanwhile, Filecoin has long been the backbone of decentralized data storage, ensuring information remains secure and censorship-resistant. With Biomapper SDK C1 deployed, devs can add a layer of trust and uniqueness—verifying that users are real humans without requiring KYC. A simple, privacy-preserving biometric scan is all it takes. The implications are vast: decentralized identity meets decentralized storage, paving the way for new levels of security, trust, and innovation. If you’re building on Filecoin, now is the time to integrate Biomapper and bring human verification into your applications.

FYI, before landing on Base and Filecoin, Biomapper C1 made its debut on Avalanche. As this technology spreads, blockchain networks can finally eliminate swarms of fake accounts and create systems designed for humans, by humans.

Right now, your digital identity isn’t truly yours—it's dictated by corporations, governments, and platforms that decide who gets access and who doesn’t. SRGate is changing that. Imagine a Google account, but fully private, Sybil-resistant, and entirely under your control. Verify once and use it anywhere—no centralized gatekeepers, no third-party oversight—just you, owning your identity in the digital world. As Biomapper continues its cross-chain expansion, SRGate is laying the foundation for a truly decentralized digital future.

But decentralization isn’t just about technology—it’s about who holds the power. If influence is determined by wealth, can we really call it decentralization? Humanode disrupts this paradigm with a one human = one node = one vote model, ensuring that no one can buy control. With Humanode 1.0, the push toward 10,000 unique human validators is gaining momentum. But why is this milestone so important? And what will happen when we get there? Explore the answers in our latest deep dive.

For fans of dark futures and cybernetic intrigue, the next chapter of 2067 - The Equilibrium is here. The Book of Sora transports you to a fragile world on the brink of collapse. A single moment, a single choice, and everything could change. Sora, a 2nd Lieutenant in the NightHawk unit, faces a decision that could shape the future. Who pulled the trigger? Can balance be restored? Dive into the latest installment now.

Gaming is evolving, and Web3 is ready for a new era. No bots, no exploits, no fake accounts—just verified human players. Catacomb Crawlers, the first game launching on the Humanode chain, is bringing true player authenticity to Web3. Last week, Humanode Co-Founder Dato sat down with Catacomb Crawlers Co-Founder & Art Director Cirjaliu Alexandru and Lead Artist Luka Gomelez to discuss the game’s development, the creative process, and what’s next for Web3 gaming. Get ready for a new kind of game—one where only real humans can play.

The Humanode universe is growing. We’re building a world where humans—not bots, corporations, or centralized entities—hold the power. Stay tuned—this is just the beginning. See you in two weeks!

🛠️ Development

The Humanode development team has been hard at work. Here’s what’s new:

  • Substrate Upgrades – Ongoing optimizations and refinements to bolster the Humanode network.
  • Cross-Chain Biomapping – Now live on Avalanche, Base, and Filecoin, with other chains to follow.
  • Mainnet Website Redesign – A fresh look and improved user experience.

⛓️ Cross-chain Biomapping

🔵Biomapper C1 on Base

Biomapper c1 SDK has been deployed on Base, making its private and secure uniqueness verification available for all of their builder community! 

For those who are new to Biomapper, the Humanode Biomapper is one of the core tools of Humanode, a cryptobiometric Layer-1 Blockchain where one human = one node = one vote, known for its use of private biometrics to fight Sybil attacks, which now allows private and secure uniqueness verification to go cross-chain.

Base, whose mission is to build a global onchain economy that increases innovation, creativity, and freedom, is an Ethereum Layer 2 (L2) offering a secure, low-cost, builder-friendly way for anyone, anywhere, to build onchain.  With Biomapper c1 now available on Base, Base builders and developers will now be able to add biometric-based Sybil resistance to their dApps and services with just a few lines of code.

If you are a developer or builder and want to figure out how to add biometric-based Sybil resistance to your dApp, we will be releasing in-depth guides for developers. but you can also delve into SDK right now! 

We are looking forward to assisting Base become one of the foundations of a Sybil-resistant economic platform that the world deserves!

📙 Integrating Humanode Biomapper in Your dApp on Base

Developers on Base, here’s a step-by-step guide to enable Sybil resistance in your apps by integrating Humanode Biomapper.

🔵 Biomapper C1 on Filecoin

Filecoin has long been the backbone of decentralized storage, ensuring that Web3 data is not just stored, but verifiably secured. Now, with Biomapper C1 SDK deployed, Filecoin developers can add another layer of trust—ensuring that the users interacting with their dApps are unique human beings without the friction of KYC. Just a simple, private biometric scan, and the system knows it’s dealing with a real person.

The implications are massive. Decentralized identity verification meets decentralized storage, opening up new frontiers for trust, security, and innovation in Web3. If you’re building on Filecoin, it’s time to integrate Biomapper and bring real human uniqueness to your applications.

📙 How to integrate your dApp with Biomapper on Filecoin

Developers on Filecoin, here’s a step-by-step guide to enable Sybil resistance in your apps by integrating Humanode Biomapper.

🔺 And don’t forget Avalanche!

Before Base and Filecoin, Biomapper C1 went live on Avalanche, where developers are already integrating private biometric Sybil resistance directly into their dApps. It’s the start of a new era for Web3—where blockchain networks no longer have to tolerate an Avalanche of fake accounts.

📙How to Add Sybil Resistance to Your Avalanche dApp with Humanode Biomapper

Humanode Biomapper is now live on Avalanche C-Chain, allowing devs to enable Sybil resistance in their dApps. If you're building on Avalanche and want to add Proof of Uniqueness to your dApp, this is for you.

🤳How to Biomap

Whether you're verifying for the first time or bridging your biomap, Humanode Biomapper keeps it simple, and convenient; connect your wallet, do a quick face scan, sign a message, and you're verified. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how to Biomap.


🟣SRGate: Your Decentralized Uniqueness Verification Pass

Identity online isn’t yours. It’s borrowed, managed, and controlled by centralized entities—corporations, governments, platforms that decide who you are and whether you belong.

SRGate changes that. A decentralized private uniqueness pass for Web3 and beyond, SRGate is like a Google account—only it’s private, Sybil-resistant, and controlled by you. Verify once, use anywhere. No centralized gatekeepers, no external authorities deciding your legitimacy. Just you, your identity, and the freedom to exist in the digital world on your own terms.

And as Biomapper continues its cross-chain expansion, the foundation for SRGate is being laid. Soon, your digital identity will be yours and yours alone.


🤝 Chain integrations

🤝 BotBasher integrations

🤖 BotBasher is on Telegram

BotBasher for Telegram is live in Alpha.

What is BotBasher?

It’s a tool that ensures only real humans—no bots, no fake accounts—can join designated Sybil-resistant Telegram channels. Users go through a 15-second biometric authentication that ties their face to a single Telegram account. One account, one human.

Why does this matter?

  • Fair whitelisting: Imagine an exclusive whitelist capped at 200 spots. BotBasher ensures those spots go to real users, not one person with 200 fake accounts.
  • Accurate voting: Whether it’s choosing between chicken or fish for dinner or making governance decisions, every vote counts, one person at a time.
  • Spam-free communities: Create safe, meaningful spaces without bot interference—perfect for AMAs, heart-to-heart discussions, and real engagement.
  • Airdrops and rewards: Ensure only verified humans benefit from rewards or incentives.

How does it work?

  • Verification is free for users.
  • You only need to verify twice a year.
  • Authentication is secure, private, and anonymous. No one (not even us!) knows who you are—just that you’re a verified human.

🔺 BotBasher is now protecting 711 Discord server communities.

Integrate BotBasher to your server: 


✧˚.True Decentralization – Road to 10,000 human nodes

Decentralization isn’t just about technology—it’s about who controls it. If influence is determined by wealth, is it really decentralization?

Humanode has always challenged this status quo. One human = one node = one vote. No one can buy control. And now, with Humanode 1.0, the march toward 10,000 unique human nodes is underway.

Validator expansion is crucial, but why? What happens when we reach 10,000 human nodes? The answer is in our latest article.

🏭 2067 - the equilibrium

For the lovers of dystopian Sci-Fi, the next chapter of 2067 - The Equilibrium is here. The Book of Sora drops you into a fragile world where a single push can send everything crumbling. The delicate balance of 40 years of coexistence is shattering, and Sora, a 2ndLt. in the NightHawk unit, is about to make a decision that could change everything.

Who pulled the trigger? And can the equilibrium be restored?

  • To jump to The Book of Sora 1/4 click here.  
  • To start your journey from the top or where you left off, access the table of contents here

🗺️ Roadmap

Explore Humanode's 2024 roadmap, a well-defined plan highlighting key initiatives while leaving space for innovative ideas, features, and applications to evolve throughout the year.

The 2025 roadmap is in its final stages of development and will be unveiled soon—stay tuned!

The Road to Humanode ver. 1.0

For four years, we’ve been building toward a vision – a future where decentralization isn’t just about distribution, but about uniqueness and fairness. Where 1 human = 1 node = 1 vote isn’t just a tagline, but the foundation of how governance, finance, and digital identity can work.

We’ve come far. The world’s first operational one-person-one-node blockchain is live. 500K+ real humans bio-authenticated. Humanode EVM launched. Biomapper is on the verge of going cross-chain. But this is just the start.

Now, we’re taking the next leap with Humanode ver. 1.0, laying down the foundation for a truly decentralized, Sybil-resistant future.

The Four Pillars of Humanode ver. 1.0

♦️ SRGate – A universal identity for Web3

♦️ Vortex – The governance body where 1 human = 1 vote

♦️ True Decentralization – Growing from 1,500 to 10,000 nodes on the path to 1 million

♦️ Ecosystem Growth – More devs, more dApps, more adoption

LP Staking

🚀🌱The WBTC/WeHMND biostaking pool is live on Impossible Finance DEX

Starting now, you can pair WBTC with WeHMND, add liquidity, biomap and stake your LP tokens to provide liquidity to the Humanode network and get non-linear rewards. HMND rewards will start rolling in tomorrow, January 22nd, 2025, at around 10:00 AM UTC, and this program will run for 6 months.

Here’s what you need to know:

- As always, APR depends on your size: the smaller your share of the liquidity pool, the more % you get. 

- You can now pair your WBTC (Wrapped BTC) with WeHMND (Wrapped eHMND) tokens to provide liquidity and stake your LP tokens.There is almost 0 liquidity as of now, keep an eye on the DEX prices.

- Rewards start tomorrow, January 22nd, 2025, at around 10:00 AM UTC.

- The staking period ends in 6 months, and rewards are the same as the WETH/WeHMND pool.

How to get started:

1. Get HMND from a centralized exchange.

2. Swap HMND to eHMND using Humanode’s internal swap or if you buy from Bitmart, you get eHMND in your EVM wallet address directly.

3. Easily bridge WBTC to and from any of the 5 networks: Arbitrum, Polygon, Avalanche, Ethereum, and Optimism at a lesser cost using Chainport. After bridging you get some WeHMND.

4. Add liquidity to the WBTC/WeHMND pool on Impossible Finance DEX.

5. Stake LP tokens on Biostaker.

Useful links:

1. Swap HMND to eHMND: 

2.  Bridge WBTC to Humanode: 

3. Add Liquidity:

4. Biostaker: 

🚀🌱The new WeHMND/WETH LP Biostaking contract is live 

The old WeHMND/WETH Biostaking contract wrapped up on December 23, 2024. Rewards for the old pool have stopped, but don’t worry - you can still claim whatever you’ve already earned.

However, the good news is that the new WeHMND/WETH LP Biostaking contract is live now, so if you want to keep earning, make sure to move your staked tokens to the new pool.

Rewards in the new pool are about half of what they used to be, but there’s a reason for it - we will redistribute a portion of the rewards to an upcoming pool featuring a new asset (coming soon)!

👉New WeHMND/WETH Biostaking Contract:

Don’t forget to move your staked tokens to the new contract!

Humanodecon 2024

Held in Istanbul on December 7-8, 2024 this unique event brought the Humanode community together for an engaging mix of debate games, a DAO simulator, and thought-provoking economic and cybernetic lectures.

🎥Is 'One Person, One Node' the Future of Decentralization?

Two teams went head-to-head, debating the challenges, opportunities, and fairness of equitable governance in decentralized systems. The twist? The audience got involved, voting live with a one person, one vote system.

Watch the debate here:

🎥Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs): A Tool for Financial Freedom or Neoserfdom?

Watch this thought-provoking debate and decide which side you lean towards:

🎥Exploring DAO Governance: A Hands-On Simulation

What happens when you give a room full of people full DAO voting power?  From serious marketing and dev proposals to literally sending a rocket "to the moon" and building a petting zoo, this DAO experiment had it all. 

Watch how 1 human = 1 vote DAO simulator played out: 

🎥A look into Global Financial Shift

Take a look as Victor, Humanode Co-founder, breaks down the history of the financial system, what led to financial nihilism, and why meme coins took off. And wraps it up with a take on 'one person, one vote' systems powered by Humanode 

🫂 Ecosystem Funding Program

The Humanode Ecosystem Funding and Incubation Program is here! We're backing five projects focused on unique human user adoption, each powered by Sybil-resistant tech on our chain. The first project is already feeling the love from human nodes, and there’s more to come.

Learn more about the incubation program here.

🎮Catacomb Crawlers is launching as the first Sybil-resistant game under Humanode incubation

Catacomb Crawlers, a mobile roguelike survival, will be the first game to launch on the Humanode chain integrating in-game NFTs, marketplace, and utilizing Humanode’s biomapper to combat Sybil attacks on rewards. 

Players will only need to prove they are unique real humans when they enter the marketplace to trade tokens for in-game assets or other rewards.

Ready to try Catacomb Crawlers? You can download it here [Google Play, Apple Store].

💬 Interview with Catacomb Crawlers

Last week, Dato (Humanode Co-Founder) linked up with Cirjaliu Alexandru (Catacomb Crawlers Co-founder & Art director) and Luka Gomelez (Lead artist) for a convo on how the characters came to life, their creative process, and what’s next for Web3's first Sybil-resistant game.


  • Humanode Dev Content Preference Survey: The team is running a quick survey to learn what kind of content the community developers love and how they can improve it.
  • Humanode invites all of you to join the official Humanode Dev group in Telegram. This group is your hub for connecting with like-minded developers, builders, coders, and innovators, sharing your ideas, and contributing to the world of Humanode’s crypto-biometric technology.
  • Scam alert: there is a Humanode Hub named group with a different handle. Check for links.

For more information check out Humanode’s:




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