Is it time to Biomap?

By now, anyone who has come across Humanode or its products, such as BotBasher for Telegram or BotBasher for Discord, knows that our technology enables its users to prove they are unique human beings without having to go through KYC or hand over the keys to their privacy or biological identity.
Some of you may have heard of, or have experienced using the Humanode Biomapper that launched last year. Yes, this is the technology that is used in the Biostaker, otherwise known as the Nonlinear Liquidity Staking on Humanode, to prove that there is only one person behind each account.
Yes, the technology behind it may be advanced and complicated, putting any non-engineer to sleep within seconds, but in short, this is how the flow goes. You scan your face using the secure and private Humanode application. The app then secures the encoded biometric data in a Confidential Virtual Machine, which will work like a Zero-Knowledge Proof system. This system allows other programs to see that you are a unique human being without giving out any personal or biometric data. Then, it ties that data to the user account, or EVM address, and hola! You can prove that your account is backed by a real and unique human being, not a bot, deepfake, mask, photo, or video.
In short, the Biomapper allows Web3 projects or dApps to do what BotBasher does for Discord or Telegram. It assists in creating a Sybil-resistant environment. Sybil-resistant airdrops? Yup, we can make it happen without KYC, which can be faked. Sybil-resistant whitelisting? Yup, can do. One user one account? You have come to the right place. The creation of P2P marketplaces backed by real human beings? Mmmhm! P… perhaps even the creation of NFTs or Tokens that are backed by biometric identification?? Sure! The necessary tools are here, all you need to do is build it! Wha… What about one person one vote DAOs?? You are right on track! And yes, that is what our team is building as we speak!
So, what is holding you back?? Why haven’t we heard more about this, didn’t it launch last year!?
Well, here is the thing. What launched last year, was the on-chain BioMapper, meaning that if you wanted to use it, you had to use it on the Humanode Chain. Not that this is a bad thing, it is actually good. Even games like Catacomb Crawlers will be launching their official release on the Humanode Chain and will be utilizing the Biomapper to create a Sybil-resistant gaming environment.
The good news is that we are not far away from being able to shout at the top of our lungs that the Cross-chain Biomapper is nearing completion. Naturally, we are still a few steps away from getting there, so we will just whisper. “Guess what gang? Based on what we smell cooking in the kitchen, I think that dinner is… er, the Cross-chain BioMapper is nearing completion… and I wouldn't be surprised if it is released “soon”.”