Mascot Design Competition

Hello, human nodes!
Today we would like to announce the first Humanode mascot design competition, which starts today, at this moment.
We ask the friends to think of and design the mascot for the first Humanode hackathon and conference coming May 2022. Don’t worry about being a pro or not. Doodle down what you think is the perfect mascot that represents the Humanode concepts that you like the most! (If push comes to shove, we can always have the winning mascot “cleaned up” and brushed up by our designer, so don’t let your lack of drawing skills prevent you from the creation of the best mascot ever).
The winner, which will be chosen in one week, will win $500 (USD) and will be able to forever engrave his/her name in Humanode history as the creator of the first Humanode mascot (I mean, think of all the future human nodes who will have to memorize your name, just because there is no way to avoid it especially if you want to play a game of trivia!).
The competition starts now, at this moment, and ends on January 28th, 2022.
As for how to submit your artwork, here is what to do.
- Please tweet a picture of your mascot. Do not forget to mention @humanode_io
- Fill out the form with the necessary information (including the link to the tweet that includes the mascot)
- Post more mascots if you are inspired to do so
Let the drawing commence!!
*DISCLAIMER: Beyond the competition prize, no additional compensation will be provided for the continued use of the mascot design, artwork, or name of the mascot, and the winner agrees that s/he will relinquish the commercial rights to Humanode core team for copyright, trademark, promotional use, and other uses as deemed necessary by Humanode. Having said that, the creator of the mascot will forever be associated with, and recognized as the creator of the first-ever Humanode mascot, becoming part of the Humanode lore and legend.