The Road to Humanode ver. 1.0
The vision and dream of creating a truly decentralized blockchain platform in which one-person = one-node = one-vote, which started to take place in 2020 has progressed in leaps and bounds. Our goal is clear, our tasks are clear, and the team continues moving forward non-stop.
Our accomplishments are also clear. We created the world’s first operational one-person one-node blockchain, we have launched the HMND, and launched Humanode EVM, thus also making Ethereum Wrapped HMND (eHMND) available, we have succeeded in building Biomapper, BotBasher, and are on the cusp of releasing Biomapper with cross-chain functionality. We have bio-authenticated over 500k unique human beings, and that number grows by the day.
But where is Humanode headed towards? What is your goal? These are the questions that many of our, especially our newer, community members have.
Yes, one could read the whitepaper, go through 4 years' worth of blog articles and social media posts, or one could yank the team members aside to ask questions, and still not know where to start. After all, if you look at the vision as a whole, it is something that we see as revolutionizing decentralization, revolutionizing how decentralized finance and business can operate, how governance, both in Blockchain and the “real world” can work, and how we can interact with each other, across the globe.
In short, the answer is a “fair and safe Sybil-resistant platform that realizes the one-person = one-node = one-vote vision, which is supported by a vibrant ecosystem of like-minded services and partners.”
That is why we have chosen to present to you our vision, in a comprehensive format. The Road to Humanode ver 1.0. Yes, ver 1.0, meaning there will be ver. 2.0, ver 3.0, and perhaps eventually even ver 95.8.
We will be developing a website, visually laying down where we are going, how far we are to completing these goals, and what the exact goals are. Updates related to Humanode ver 1.0 will be made on the site as they happen, and progress bars will be implemented to help visualize where we are. But yes, it will take us some time to get everything in place.
So, for now, let us share with you the four pillars we see as supporting the vision of Humanode ver. 1.0.
As we all know by now, Humanode is founded on the concept of cryptobiometrics. Cryptobiometrics is what ensures Sybil-resistance, and is not only utilized in the launching and running of nodes, but is used in BotBasher, Biomapper, and even Biostaking.
Once we release Biomapper with cross-chain functionality, which is just around the corner, we will be one step closer to our goal of allowing dApps and Web3 services to utilize Biomapper to offer one-person one-account services, and at the same time, allowing the users the security of private bio-authentication.
SRGate, will take this one step further, allowing people to choose what services they will tie their private bio-authentication to, or what services they would like to disassociate with. We envision the user only needing to bio-authenticate using SRGate, and not each and every application that utilizes Biomapper.
The public launch of SRGate, which will support the various Humanode bio-authentication services, is the target goal to make Humanode ver. 1.0 a reality.
Read: SRGate - Your Uniqueness Verification Pass
The launching of the Humanode DAO, Vortex is another pillar of Humanode ver. 1.0. Vortex is how we will enable the one-person, one-node, one-vote vision, which will become the core of the Humanode Governance.
Needless to say, the development of Vortex is underway and can be seen as one of the top priorities of 2025.
Read this whitepaper to dive into the concept of Vortex: Vortex 101
True Decentralization
Humanode is already No.1 in the world when it comes to Nakamoto Coefficient, and we have 1500+ unique nodes running. But to achieve true decentralization, the target would be one million unique nodes!
Having said that, we know the process will be step-by-step. Our target for Humanode ver. 1.0, is 10,000 nodes, which will allow us the stability and protection that Vortex and the Humanode chain deserve.
This pillar is also closely related to the various dApps and Web3 services. The more people that utilize Biomapper, the more services that push for Sybil-resistance, the more people interested in launching nodes, and the more the Humanode Community will grow.
Needless to say, the more capitalism involved, as in the more services utilizing Biomapper, the more dApps and services launched on Humanode, the more the HMND will flow, meaning that more nodes get paid for hosting nodes, and potentially the more the nodes will get paid.
Learn more: Decentralization through Proof of Uniqueness
Developer and Ecosystem Expansion
The fourth and final pillar is the expansion of the Humanode Developer Community and the partnerships with our ecosystem.
We currently have Biomapper and Biostaker running on the Humanode Chain. Soon this will be joined by Catacomb Crawlers who will be launching on Humanode, and one other partner whose platform is soon to be announced.
We envision a minimum of 6 other major applications or Web3 services to launch on the Humanode chain in the next year or two. As mentioned in previous articles, the Humanode Formation will support such visionary projects that aim for 1 million users and beyond, both financially and in terms of step-by-step assistance to launch and beyond.
We also envision Developers who are interested in taking part in the project to assist us with various development tasks and projects. Even now, we have over 200 tasks that we see as needing to be tackled but are on hold until our development resources become available. Yes, these will mostly be paid assignments. So, yes, if you are interested in development as a project-by-project freelancer, or even as a full-time developer, we are all ears.
For Humanode ver. 1.0, we would like to see 50 to 100 developers working with us over the next few years and 6 to 10 projects functioning on top of Humanode.
Check out: Humanode Incubation Program
Read: Humanode Launches Ecosystem Funding program
No one pillar is more important than another. They all depend on the support of each other, and each pillar is there to stand as the foundation of what we are building.
We envision Humanode 1.0 as the foundation for the future development of a Sybil-resistant, safe, fair, and private environment for dApps, Web3 services, DeFi, GameFi, and more.
We hope you will be looking forward to the “Humanode 1.0” page we will be building, the articles and content that will be focusing on the four pillars, and the announcements to come! Never forget that there are still those who fight for the properly decentralized future and our struggle is not in vain. 1 human = 1 node = 1 vote!